Doing our bit for the community
We’ve been busy in the community again, funding and focusing our efforts on those that need a little extra help.
At the end of 2021 we:
- Funded Rennie Grove Hospice Care nurses for two nights – enabling those with a life-limiting illness to stay at home with their family
- Donated to Batford Springs Volunteers and attended the official opening of their new boardwalk at our local Nature Reserve
- Took part in the KidsOut Giving Tree – a nationwide charity that collects and distributes Christmas gifts to children in refuge
- Contributed towards the Batford Pensioners Christmas Lunch
- Received a personal message of thanks from the Children at Bor Bor Pain Charity School of Hope in Sierra Leonne for our ongoing commitment to their cause.
Read on to learn more...
Rennie Grove Hospice Care
Over the years, Plowman Craven has been a big supporter to a locally run charity, Rennie Grove Hospice. In addition to our annual sponsorship of their annual flagship event, the Herts 10k/Half Marathon, in December we sponsor two nights of specialist nursing care for patients.
When a patient’s care needs are complex, having access to 24-hour specialist care in their own home can be crucial. With the level of support provided by Rennie Grove nurses, patients nearing end of life are able to spend Christmas, at home, with their loved ones. We look forward to getting involved in more charitable events with Rennie Grove in 2022.
"Thank you to all at Plowman Craven for funding an amazing two nights of care this month. Thank you for your lovely have made a difference this Christmas" - Nicola Aquila, Senior Corporate Partnerships Executive, Rennie Grove Hospice Care
Batford Springs Volunteers
Batford Springs Nature Reserve is a beautiful place to unwind and on the doorstep of our Harpenden office. We recently donated to towards the cost of materials and tools used by the hard-working Batford Springs Volunteers who keep the reserve and its surroundings under control. We appreciate that it’s a never-ending job and we thank them for everything they do.
We’ll be organising another work party to help out in the Spring, in the meantime we were delighted to be invited to the recent opening of the new boardwalk at the reserve.

KidsOut Giving Tree
What generous employees we have. For the last few years many of them have bought and donated Christmas presents to children in refuge, and each year, more and more presents have appeared under our KidsOut Giving Tree. All the presents are taken to a distribution centre where they are gifted nationwide.
This charity is a firm favourite for our employees at Christmas, and we are always overwhelmed with their generosity. A big thank you also to our volunteers who help to arrange the activity and transporting of gifts.

Batford Pensioners Christmas Lunch
Unfortunately, due to the restrictions in place at the time, the Batford Pensioners missed out on their Christmas Lunch last year. However, with the help of local volunteers and donations by local businesses, this year’s event went ahead. It looks like everyone had a great time and we were happy to be able to contribute to the festivities which took place at Batford Memorial Hall, local to our office in Harpenden.

Bor Bor Pain Charity School of Hope
After working in Sierra Leone a number of years ago, our surveyors were moved by the efforts of Foday Mansaray, Head Master and creator of the BorBor Pain Charity School of Hope, whose dream it was to rid Sierra Leone of child labour and offer instead freedom and a future through education.
A number of years later, we are still in touch; and donating to the school on an annual basis. Our involvement has contributed towards broken roofs, new desks, shaded lunch areas, stationery and school uniforms. Even though the pupils has been set back a number of times over the years through disease and flash flood disasters, the children remain forever grateful for our support.

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