Plowman Craven to sponsor RICS Roadshows - Are you IPMS ready?

Plowman Craven is proud to sponsor a UK-wide RICS Roadshow which starts in Exeter on 20th May. The Roadshow will tour the country, concluding in London on the 30th June, to advise on the publication of the new RICS Property Measurement code and the changes to Code of Measurement Practice (6th Edition) for office space reporting.
These changes reflect the publication in November 2014 of the IPMS: Office, an International Property Measurement Standard, created to deliver a consistent basis of area referencing and measurement for office property portfolios regardless of their size or location. It will facilitate the reporting of building sizes globally on a like for like basis without duplication of effort.

Regulated by RICS, Plowman Craven is committed to providing complete independent area referencing and measurement solutions worldwide and, as a trusted name in area measurement, we were invited to join the working group responsible for drafting the new RICS Property Measurement Professional Statement.
We’ll have a presence at every Roadshow, so why not pay us a visit at one of the following locations? Alternatively, please contact us to arrange for a RICS accredited Plowman Craven expert to present at your office.
Further detail on the RICS Roadshows and for information on how to register.
20th May - Exeter
26th May - Leeds
27th May - London and Cambridge
2nd June - Birmingham
4th June - Edinburgh
10th June - Ashford
11th June - Nottingham
15th June - Manchester
17th June - Belfast
23rd June - Newcastle
30th June - London
More information on Area Referencing solutions from Plowman Craven.

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Let’s discuss your requirements and see how our expertise will deliver trusted results throughout the project lifecycle.
Plowman Craven has more than 50 years’ experience, we provide integrated measurement and consultancy services.